Clinical Trials
Past Clinical Trials
Fat Grafting for Aesthetic Breast Augmentation-A Prospective Study of Autologous Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentation
Dr. Baker is also part of an Institutional Review Board approved study at Georgetown University Hospital sponsored by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. This study allows patients who qualify to have excess fat removed from parts of their hips, thighs, or abdomen and then injected into the breast to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. Mammograms and MR imaging are both performed as part of the study to ensure safety. Patients are required to pay for the operation but imaging preoperatively and one year post-operatively are provided at no cost to study patients
Scientific Contributions Toward Future Patient Treatment Modalities
Fat Grafting
These are studies that have evaluated variables in fat grafting that affect the predictability and longevity of grafted fat. Dr. Baker uses fat grafting as a primary or adjunct technique in many of his procedures. Dr. Baker has served on the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Fat Grafting Task Force. He also consults with industry to develop and refine techniques for fat grafting.
- National Endowment Plastic Surgery Grant, The Development of Strategies to Optimize Autogenous Fat Grafting. Stephen Baker, MD, DDS, Principle Investigator; Michael Johnson, PhD; Ali Al-Attar, MD. PhD
- NIH 1RO3 DE016050-01A1 Principle Investigator Development of Novel Approaches to Optimize Fat Grafting 2005
Neuropeptide Y Fat Graft Trial
This project is a funded study evaluating the effects of NPY on fat graft maintenance and resorption in a murine model. Optimal dose, duration of delivery, and longevity of result are being evaluated. This study is intended to evaluate the feasibility of using NPY as an adjunct to increase the predictability for fat grafting in breast and facial surgery.
- NIH 2RO1HL067357-05 Co-Investigator NPY and Angiogenesis in Adipose Tissue 2005
- NIH R01HL067357 Coinvestigator/consultant NPY, Neurovascular niches and stress-induced remodeling of adipose tissue.
Three Dimensional Imaging in Facial Surgery
Using a Vectra 3-D camera, patients are imaged before and after surgery to quantify the three dimensional changes that occur as a result of surgery. This relatively new technology allows us to study how procedures affect facial tissue in three dimensions with unprecedented accuracy. Fat graft volume maintenance and postoperative swelling resolution can be measured with precision using this technology.
Computer Assisted Surgical Simulation in Jaw Surgery
This project is being done in conjunction with Medical Modeling in Colorado to improve the accuracy and treatment in patients undergoing surgery of the jaws. Using three dimensional CT scans, the surgical moves are performed virtually on the computer and then the surgical splints are fabricated using CAD/CAM technology. Our group has published initial studies showing that this technology saves time and improves accuracy.
Predicting the Soft Tissue Response to Skeletal Surgery
Using new technology we are superimposing our 3-D patient digital images onto the 3-D CT scan images to create a 3-D representation of the patient’s face on their pre-operative 3-D CT scan. The pre and postoperative facial volumes can be compared three dimensionally to accurately assess how the soft tissue of the face responds to skeletal movements.
Face Q for Facial Surgery
The Face Q was designed by Dr. Andrea Pusic from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and the New School of Social Research. It is a questionnaire that was designed to quantify patient satisfaction with outcomes in facial procedures, and we are fortunate to be one of five test sites selected in the United States This tool is being used to assess outcomes in all our facial surgery. It is hoped that by objective comparison of techniques, we will be able to determine the optimal solutions to our patients’ problems.
USPTO Patent Applications and Inventions
US Provisional Patent. GUH-P60-017, Compositions and Methods for Liporemodeling. Inventors: Zofia Zukowska, Lydia Kuo, Stephen Baker, Michael Johnson
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